Right now there's quite some stuff happening around the Stack Exchange network, and even spreading to outside the network itself with "The Register" covering it and other (more forum focused) sites talking about it. Two of the results on the first page when searching for "Stack Exchange" on googleGoogle are about the current situation. This has caused quite some bad press for/about the network, and I can only imagine people steering clear of it when they read about it.
So my question is, has the network (or a sub site of) seen something like this happen on/to it before? (a bunch of mods leaving, bad press outside of just the network e.g) If so, how was it handled back then? Did it include the same long silences (and in my opinion) weak/boilerplate responses?
My background to asking this (and this is all how I experience it, and can not speak for others) is really to determine wetherwhether the promise to "do better next time" holds any value. If it is a first time something like this happened it is (slightly) more understandable that mistakes were made in handling things (we're all humans, and humans are good at making mistakes)... But if it isn't the first time, and there were previous promises to "do things better next time" then I can personally attach very little value to such a promise.