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Feb 24, 2021 at 12:48 comment added Robotnik @Des- or better yet, add more red status tags that impart better information. [status-active-development] (currently being worked on, replace the current usage of 'planned'), [status-planned] (on the roadmap for future work but not currently under development), [status-backlogged] (lower priority or not on current roadmap), [status-deferred] (needs further investigation/discovery but will eventually be considered). etc
Feb 21, 2021 at 8:29 comment added Luuklag @Des could you ammend the tag wikis for status declined and deferred then to make them reflect their current usage. As you clearly re-defined the meanings of the tags.
Feb 20, 2021 at 17:38 comment added Des StaffMod @bad_coder that's right. We used 'planned' for things in active development or discovery, deferred for things we think we'll be working on next, and 'declined' for things that don't have any plans at the moment.
Feb 20, 2021 at 14:30 comment added Luuklag I also find it a poor status tag to use vecause something isnt on the roadmap for the next 6 weeks, as that is how long Q1 lasts. Status-deferred would be the better tag, unless SE sees no merit whatsoever in a proposal, and that once work on the area of interest starts it woypdn't even be considered. This abundant use of status-declined is a slap in the face to all thise good proposals.
Feb 20, 2021 at 1:29 comment added bad_coder I'm not sure, but I think the difference is a subtle distinction in the staff messages. If you check the linked answer in my post, roughly: "ticket was put on backlog/todo-list" is what "status-deferred" probably means, while if it's not even put on the todo-list right now it's "status-declined" for the time being. But apart from having a staff message there's no obvious way to distinguish between the 2 kinds of "status-declined" from the tags alone.
Feb 20, 2021 at 0:31 history answered Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog CC BY-SA 4.0