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Added explanation for why there's a spoiler so folks don't just click without expecting to see the hat trigger revealed
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Spevacus Mod
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This was a crazy one! In short, there was a race condition on. Reveal the variablespoiler for a more detailed explanation, as it contains the trigger for the hat:

There was a race condition in the variable that stored the synonym for "discussion" tags across website, and they were all defaulting to "discussion""discussion" as opposed to the localized version (big thanks to Roberta Arcoverde for figuring this one out!).

The race condition has been fixed. Going forward folks should now be able to attain the hat by performing the trigger. It is not possible to award hats going backwards to people that already did it though, since the actual detector wasn't being rendered to the page (sorry about that :( )

This was a crazy one! In short there was a race condition on the variable:

that stored the synonym for "discussion" tags across website, and they were all defaulting to "discussion" as opposed to the localized version (big thanks to Roberta Arcoverde for figuring this one out!).

The race condition has been fixed. Going forward folks should now be able to attain the hat by performing the trigger. It is not possible to award hats going backwards to people that already did it though, since the actual detector wasn't being rendered to the page (sorry about that :( )

This was a crazy one! In short, there was a race condition. Reveal the spoiler for a more detailed explanation, as it contains the trigger for the hat:

There was a race condition in the variable that stored the synonym for tags across website, and they were all defaulting to "discussion" as opposed to the localized version (big thanks to Roberta Arcoverde for figuring this one out!).

The race condition has been fixed. Going forward folks should now be able to attain the hat by performing the trigger. It is not possible to award hats going backwards to people that already did it though, since the actual detector wasn't being rendered to the page (sorry about that :( )

Direct references to the trigger for a secret hat hidden behind a spoiler, and some markdown to meet the minimum character limit
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This was a crazy one! In short there was a race condition on the variable that stored the synonym for "discussion" tags across website, and they were all defaulting to "discussion" as opposed to the localized version (big thanks to Roberta Arcoverde for figuring this one out!).:

that stored the synonym for "discussion" tags across website, and they were all defaulting to "discussion" as opposed to the localized version (big thanks to Roberta Arcoverde for figuring this one out!).

The race condition has been fixed. Going forward folks should now be able to attain the hat by performing the trigger. It is not possible to award hats going backwards to people that already did it though, since the actual detector wasn't being rendered to the page (sorry about that :( )

This was a crazy one! In short there was a race condition on the variable that stored the synonym for "discussion" tags across website, and they were all defaulting to "discussion" as opposed to the localized version (big thanks to Roberta Arcoverde for figuring this one out!).

The race condition has been fixed. Going forward folks should now be able to attain the hat by performing the trigger. It is not possible to award hats going backwards to people that already did it though, since the actual detector wasn't being rendered to the page (sorry about that :( )

This was a crazy one! In short there was a race condition on the variable:

that stored the synonym for "discussion" tags across website, and they were all defaulting to "discussion" as opposed to the localized version (big thanks to Roberta Arcoverde for figuring this one out!).

The race condition has been fixed. Going forward folks should now be able to attain the hat by performing the trigger. It is not possible to award hats going backwards to people that already did it though, since the actual detector wasn't being rendered to the page (sorry about that :( )

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This was a crazy one! In short there was a race condition on the variable that stored the synonym for "discussion" tags across website, and they were all defaulting to "discussion" as opposed to the localized version (big thanks to Roberta Arcoverde for figuring this one out!).

The race condition has been fixed. Going forward folks should now be able to attain the hat by performing the trigger. It is not possible to award hats going backwards to people that already did it though, since the actual detector wasn't being rendered to the page (sorry about that :( )