I was looking on SO and saw this question:
IMO, thenoticed a user post a question does not meet thethat looked rather basic requirements. I wouldlooked at least include the HTML as well. Also this question has a beginners vibe.
But after further investigation I foundtheir previous answers formulated in an other style and have a sort of senior level (even on answers from more then 10 years ago)!
I have a strong feeling there is another person on the account. This could be:
- Plain wrong, and my suspicions are completely incorrect.
- Correct, because of an oversight (was logged in on someone else computer)
- Correct, because this person has sold his account to a new programmer.
What I could find is that selling your account is a little bit frowned upon to do this: Selling Stack Overflow accounts
But my main question is, should you do anything if you suspect something?