I am sorry if this has already been brought up before, but I'm unable to find any post of the same nature.
I wonder why Stack Overflow allows so many web design questions when web design is not really related to programming but more basic coding. I am referring to questions like Div within Div stretchingDiv within Div stretching and How to align images to the right?How to align images to the right?
The FAQ States that:
Stack Overflow is for professional and enthusiast programmers, people who write code because they love it. We feel the best Stack Overflow questions have a bit of source code in them, but if your question generally covers …
- a specific programming problem
- a software algorithm
- software tools commonly used by programmers
- matters that are unique to the programming profession
… then you’re in the right place to ask your question!
This to me personally does not cover design, web design or basic HTML. I personally think we should have a specific Stack Exchange site dedicated to the needs of designers.
A cascading style sheet is a set of instructions that tells a web browser how to present, or display different HTML elements.
Now this (in my opinion) does not fall into the category of programming in any way.
I'm a programmer who comes to Stack Overflow every day, and ponders, answers many questions about programming and when I scroll down the list of questions and I am presented with six simple CSS questions one after another; it's annoying me that Stack Overflow is so ridden with questions that most of us do not want to answer.
Why is this allowed so freely and is Stack Overflow the correct place for these sorts of questions?