This question is essentially a variation of Bounty-like facility for rewarding excellent questions in the spirit of GentlePurpleRain's comment here.
I reproduce the linked question and comment below:
Amongst the reasons for starting a bounty, one can select:
Reward existing answer
One or more of the answers is exemplary and worthy of an additional bounty.
Why not enable one to reward excellent questions in a similar manner?
This wouldn't have to be a bounty, per se, since there would be no reason to wait the 7 days to award it. It could basically just be an extra "uber-vote" that costs the voter reputation. So I can upvote a question, which gives the asker 5 rep and costs me nothing, or I can "uber-vote" a question, which allows me to transfer x amount of rep from me to the asker, to reward an exemplary question.
It is unquestionable that there are brilliant questions on this site, and it seems asymmetric to reward answers but not questions. From all the discussions I have seen on this topic, the consensus seems to support this idea. Further, the technicalities of a bounty seem to be eliminated by the concept of an uber-vote. Considering that the linked post is 10 years old and especially with the introduction of sites such as Puzzling SE, I find it to relevant to revisit the discussion. If this has already been asked recently, I would appreciate if someone can state why exactly this feature request was denied.