When the original reference is to cplusplus.com, then YES. That site is notorious for being inaccurate and generally bad in a very large number of ways, at least amongst those of us who have had the misfortune of visiting it. I downvote all answers that link there without hesitation, much like I do those that recommend the Google Style Guide. So it turns out that guy only fixed the question and not the answer.
Unfortunately, most of the material on SO discussing how terrible that site is was closed because folks thought it belonged on Programmers, but there was once a big question with answers showing how bad it was.
There's nothing ultimate or official about cppreference, although the only other reference sites I am aware of (MSDN and cplusplus) both have some issues (cplusplus.com is a whole lot worse). For example, MSDN shows docs for Visual Studio which isn't always the same thing as C++, and it's not as nice to use or navigate. And cplusplus.com is riddled with inaccuracies and bad examples and such.
That guy did you and everyone reading a big favour.
Edit: But this was one guy- not some co-ordinated effort or discussed with us.
is an inferior referrerence, alaw3schools
. NB - I don't know if that is actually true.