I'd like request a way for the Stack Exchange reputation leagues to have a section where it displays "My best..." in the following categories with the perma-link to each. As an example:
- Week ... Dec 11, 2011 - Dec 15, 2011 #187 (Rep: 248) link
- Month ... March 2010 #293 (Rep: 1,409) link
- Quarter ... Q3 2011 #308 (Rep: 2,413) link
- Year ... 2010 #511 (Rep: 9,102) link
This would probably be best suited to display on the Careers 2.0 site, but also a fun feature for members who don't yet have - or don't want - a Careers profile.
This would make it a lot easier that trying to write a query against SEDE , or paging through results a single period at a time.