This should be obvious. If a post is helpful to others, it receives many upvotes, raising its score. Such a post is obviously hardly "low quality". Especially if the asker accepted the post. Unfortunately, a substantial amount of "low quality posts" on the review page meet this criterion.

This is an example (using the Reverse Order sort ordering).

To address this, I make the following suggestions:

  • Exclude posts with a score of 5 or more from the low quality posts.
  • Optional: Accepted answers can have a lower score threshold to be removed.
  • Optional: Posts from users with a certain reputation threshold can be removed with a lower score threshold.

These are only initial suggestions which can be modified if needed. Please discuss this idea.

After reading another question on meta recently asked today, I will now suggest that the following posts should stay in the "low quality posts" tab, regardless of score:

  • Answers to questions that are closed or have one or more close votes
  • Answers to questions with a negative score

These should stay in because they tend to point to questions that themselves are low-quality. (Optionally those questions should be mentioned on the page along with their score and, for users with the "view close votes" privilege, the number of close votes.)

  • Have these particular posts been harshly dealt with?
    – user102937
    Commented Jan 20, 2012 at 0:55
  • 1
    @Robert Harvey: No, such posts merely detract from finding the posts which probably truly are low quality. Those tend to have a negative or zero score or have content problems that "can't be salvageable through editing."
    – Peter O.
    Commented Jan 20, 2012 at 0:58

1 Answer 1


I see, you're referring to the algorithmic check, which is largely based on length. Short "answers".

I am not sure I entirely agree; if a question is "answered" with something absurdly short enough to trigger the quality filter like 3 - 5 words, that implies there was a fundamental problem with the question, as in, perhaps the question was too trivial to begin with?

For example

How to find if directory exists in Python

Yes, use os.path.exists().

is a valid "answer", but was algorithmically determined to be possibly low quality. (Note that this is not a flag, just a numeric score attached to the answer.) However, if you check the comments:

A good approach is always to search since that's been asked.

Therefore this flag is symptomatic of a deeper problem. This has always been my position on flagging: where there is smoke, there is generally fire. For some reason people get obsessed with deciding exactly what kind of fire this is, when there's a giant raging fire going on on the background. How 'bout we put out the fire, man?

  • Your point is somewhat valid: the "low quality posts" tab gives no clues on whether a question is already answered, especially for "fastest-gun questions" (and I'm not sure it should.)
    – Peter O.
    Commented Jan 20, 2012 at 1:08
  • go deeper: we shouldn't be encouraging questions than can actually be properly and completely answered in 3-5 words! Commented Jan 20, 2012 at 1:10

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