Mobile chat is missing a lot of features (understandable, as it's mobile). However, there are a number of features not currently implemented that are almost necessities:
Replies — Sure, we can type "@so-and-so" and hope we've gotten the so-and-so correct, but this doesn't work well when replying to a specific message back up the queue. Plus, there's no Tab button on many devices, so we can't even type the first few letters of their name and hit Tab to complete it! (Tab completion doesn't even work when you have a full bluetooth keyboard connected to an iPad.)
Stars — There's no way to star messages in mobile chat. (Unless the message has already been starred by someone else, then you can click on their star to add your own.)
Edits — There's Menu > Edit last, but that only works for the last message. There's no way to edit messages more than two back.
Can any of these be added?