As a follow up to the answer I received to this question:
I started using the review beta tool for low-quality posts fairly heavily a few days ago (heavy compared to my previous usage, anyway). The review tool has the option of posting a helpful comment on the post to guide the original user to improve it. As a result, my name has been thrown about on many comments across many posts by other users. This is in and of itself just fine by me.
In turn, some of those users have begun to ask about and/or respond to those automated comments. For example:
My (automatic) comment:
While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. Link-only answers can become invalid if the linked page changes.
Their response:
Well, not exactly legal to copy copyrighted material into another web page. Besides, it is the Microsoft docs that are linked to here (and the link is still good even more than 2 years later)
In all of these cases so far, I've defended my position (though after going through the question linked above, I probably could have done without some specific comments) and I still stand by most of my review decisions.
In response, I thought it would be helpful to link to a related meta post to explain why the comment even appeared, as I get the feeling from the reactions that not everyone even knows this is going on:
Understood, but it is still more helpful to at least describe some of the processes (rather than copy the code outright) than just posting a link. Also, while the link may be good today, there's no guarantee it will forever be. For the record, the only reason I commented on this post was because I was prompted to by the low-quality review tool (due to its link-only content). See this Meta post for more details.
In some cases, there are Meta posts and/or FAQ pages that describe the error/deficiency of the post, and sometimes also how that relates to the beta review process.
When those pages exist, rather than go through this dialog each time to get the point across, can we include links to Meta posts/FAQ in the automated review comments? If there is not a page for one category or another already, can we create one (some) for this purpose? As an alternative to a link, we could also use a brief note about where the automatic comment is coming from.