I mean the topics which I have started. That is, whole topics, not my posts only.

For example, a situation when someone answers my question some time ago, but since then I have forgotten the whole thing, but remember some words from that answer. I could spend a day walking across my posts. Also I know that I can put a filter for particular user, here user:me, but in this case I would only find my text.

The situation that arose here so I'm asking this is that I remember someone answering for a unrelated question gave me a tip of useful GCC parameters additional to -Wall. I didn't asked for it so I don't know in what topic to look for it and who was that. Now I must search all my topics for this keyword, but exclude my own writing.


1 Answer 1


If the post you're looking for is older than 7 days you can use SEDE. For example this query will search the Q/A pairs you participated in for a given word.

;with allQs as 
    select coalesce(parentid,id) as postid
    from posts p
    where owneruserid = ##userid:int?393087##
select id as [Post Link]
     , owneruserid as [User Link]
     , creationdate
     , score
from posts p
inner join allQs q on q.postid = p.parentid 
where p.body like '%' + ##search:string?database## +'%'
and p.owneruserid <> ##userid:int?393087##
select id as [Post Link]
     , owneruserid as [User Link]
     , creationdate
     , score
from posts p
inner join allQs q on q.postid = p.id
where p.body like '%' + ##search:string?database## +'%'
and p.owneruserid <> ##userid:int?393087##

When run today this will be your result:

enter image description here

Keep in mind SEDE is only updated once a week.

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