Nobody on any SE site can help you make a decision. However, people can help you gather the information you need to make a decision. You can construct a number of factual simple questions, whose answers you need to make this choice. For example, are you wondering:
- if people with degrees in whatever you have a degree in can work in a particular field? Can earn enough to support a particular kind of lifestyle?
- if it is warm year-round in a particular country?
- how easy it is to travel from a place you are thinking of living, back home to visit family?
- whether it's true you should have your first child by age 30?
Is there a particular program (eg a graduate program in another country, or a government program to encourage doctors to move to small towns, or whatever) that you would like to know more about?
So many questions are no doubt swirling in your head. You have so many options and you want to learn more about all of them. So do. Ask tens, dozens, hundreds of questions here. Just make sure not one of them is "what should I do?". Each question should stand alone, be on the right site, and ask something that can be accepted as the right answer. That means generally more "what aspects of X are important when evaluating Y", "what is the average high and low temperature in Z", "what is the fastest route between A and B" and less "what is the best Y", "is Z a warm enough place for me to live" and "are A and B easy to get between" - ask for facts. You do the concluding from those.
See also my answer to Why Are Shopping List Questions Bad? even though yours is perhaps not a shopping question.