I'd like to search for questions that have a positive score (score > 0) and have no accepted answer and have at least one answer and where all answers have score zero. Is there a way to do this?
Motivation: On one site where I'm active, it's semi-common for new users to drop by, ask a question, and eventually get a useful answer that they don't ever accept or upvote. It can be demoralizing for answers to put in a bunch of effort to answer the question but never receive any appreciation for their answer. The ideal answer is for someone else to upvote the useful answer when it appears, but I don't always catch the answer when it is originally posted. I'd like to search for those sort of answers so that I can take a look at them, and if they're useful and answer the question, upvote them. However, I can't figure out a search query that will let me find those answers.
The problem is that my criteria involves conditions on both the score of the question and the score of the answer. I can't see any way to frame a search query that will let me include both kinds of conditions. I can see how to search for questions with a positive score (score:1+ is:question
) and how to search for answers with a zero score (score:0 is:answer
) but not to search for zero-score answers where the corresponding question has a positive score. I can even see how to incorporate the requirement that the answer not be accepted (score:1+ is:question hasaccepted:no
or score:0 is:answer isaccepted:no
), but still can't see how to incorporate the condition on both answer score and question score. I also tried score:1+ isanswered:no is:question
, which looked promising, but this search results include: (a) questions with zero score, and (b) questions with an accepted answer; so it doesn't do what I'm looking for either. Given the search help, score:1+ isanswered:no hasaccepted:no answers:1+ is:question
looked promising too, but this returns mostly questions with no answers (and questions with negatively-scored answers).
So, is there a way to do a search of the sort I want? Can one include both a condition on question score and a condition on answer score?