I posted a truly duplicate post with essentially the same information, and question. I wanted to drop it here too, because this is the official thread.
I'm interested to know what does SO get out of restricting the amount of wikilinks I can place in my question or answer to other answers on the same site. I mean, seriously... Is there a single benefit? It seems entirely arbitrary. Why not limit the amount of characters my post can take? Wouldn't it be much more common to make a post annoyingly long, than annoying over-linked. And, what about formatting -- I've never hit a limit that said I had too many characters that were bold, or italic -- and certainly those are more annoying when abused than links... Same, can be said for CAPITAL LETTERS.
I'm just not sure if these limits are in place to annoy the user enough to want to get past them, or if they serve some other more silly function? Maybe, the reason is a hardware limitation. Even wikipedia allows new users to create articles with an unlimited amount of wikilinks; and, I should add, Yahoo! answers doesn't have any of these silly limits.