Watching the Vsauce short The Only Element You Can Chew Like Gum I was intrigued by

This is indium, the only element in the universe that is safe, and soft enough to chew like bubble gum... it softened as it warmed up in my mouth and I could tell it was metal because I could feel the vibrations of the crystals twinning.

A question about the vibrations caused by dynamic Crystal twinning could be searched or asked under (for example, not necessarily exhaustive):

Is there a way within Stack Exchange to flatten my searching for questions and answers about things related to phenomenon like crystallographic twinning in metals under deformation without going outside and using a search engine?

I am not saying that there's anything wrong with using a search engine! I'm just asking if there is also something internal and site-flattened.

  • 2
    There's a network-wide search on Stack Exchange homepage, if that's what you're looking for. Commented May 31, 2023 at 0:14
  • @MetaAndrewT. that seems to be the answer! I'm a long-time active user but have never really gone to the home page, so had never seen the search feature there. Perhaps that's true for some others as well, so I think a short and accepted answer post would be great! (cf. stackexchange.com/search?q=%5Bcrystallography%5D+twinning)
    – uhoh
    Commented May 31, 2023 at 0:19

1 Answer 1


There is a search on the Stack Exchange homepage. This will search all the sites.

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