Possible Duplicate:
Where can I find shipping information for the Stack Exchange store?
There are four of us in Israel and we wish to buy stuff from the SE shop. We have a US shipping address and each has an international credit card. However, the billing address is in Israel, of course.
As of now, the shop interface does not allow us to complete the order, because it expects the billing address to be in US, UK, Canada or India.
This is a strange (albeit common) limitation, because no one actually sends anything to the billing address with regard to the particular purchase.
In fact, there are quite a few online shops which do not restrict the billing address, because they recognize it does not matter at all.
My question is this - given that:
- the shipping address in US
- the billing address in Israel
- the credit card is international, successfully used in other online shops (no limitation on the billing address)
how can I buy from the SE online shop?