Situation: The suggested edit queue on Stack Overflow has been full for the past few days.
Scenario: I pop along and get shown 30 random suggested edits. I vote on them so all of them now have 1 vote (either a reject or accept).
Another user pops along and gets shown 30 random (and for the purpose of this argument, entirely different) edits. They vote on all of them so they all have 1 vote each.
The suggested edit queue is still full!
If the suggested edits were ordered consistently however, users visiting the suggested edit queue would get shown the same suggested edits, and if the scenario mentioned above was repeated, the size of the queue would shrink.
Additional benefits;
- The pagination would actually work.
- The chances of suggestions getting approved in the order they were posted would increase; rather than some suggestions sitting in the queue for hours, whilst others get accepted immediately