I went ahead and made a userscript for this. See "kbd markup shortcuts" at stackapps. This script adds both a button and a keyboard shortcut (AltK) for adding <kbd></kbd>
Read more about it at stackapps, or install it.
Copy of the latest source:
// ==UserScript==
// @name StackExchange, Add kbd, sup, and sub shortcuts
// @description Adds buttons and keyboard shortcuts to add <kbd>, <sup>, <sub> tags, and more.
// @match *://*.askubuntu.com/*
// @match *://*.mathoverflow.net/*
// @match *://*.serverfault.com/*
// @match *://*.stackapps.com/*
// @match *://*.stackexchange.com/*
// @match *://*.stackoverflow.com/*
// @match *://*.superuser.com/*
// @exclude *://api.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude *://blog.*.com/*
// @exclude *://chat.*.com/*
// @exclude *://data.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude *://elections.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude *://openid.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude *://stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude *://*/review
// @grant none
// @version 4.3
// @history 4.3 Fix to work with throwback page layout of the user's "Edit your profile" page.
// @history 4.2 Speeded icon add when user elects to answer their own question.
// @history 4.1 Restored icons after SE layout changes; Added checks for layout changes; Code tweaks.
// @history 4.0 Refactor à la MVC, in prep for options dialog; Fix double markup on slow page loads; Add multi-word split for <kbd>.
// @history 3.0 SE changed positioning; Added hover highlites; Added <br>; Added <del>; Clear JSHint warnings.
// @history 2.3 Add mathoverflow.net.
// @history 2.2 Update test and minor text formatting.
// @history 2.1 No point in injecting the script anymore, due to Chrome and Firefox changes.
// @history 2.0 Update for SE changes (jQuery version, esp.), Added <sup> and <sub> support. Moved to GitHub proper.
// @history 1.2 SSL support
// @history 1.1 Style tweak
// @history 1.0 Standardized wrap logic to same as SE markup
// @history 1.0 Initial release on GitHubGist
// @author Brock Adams
// @homepage http://stackapps.com/q/3341/7653
// @updateURL https://github.com/BrockA/SE-misc/raw/master/Add_kbd_sup_sub_shortcuts.user.js
// ==/UserScript==
/* global $, StackExchange */
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces, curly */
var rootNode = $("#content");
var scConfig = [
// titleName, tagText, btnText, bSoloTag, bNotTag, keyTxt, keyCode, kbModifiers (Alt/Ctrl/Shift), kbModArry, bWrapByWord
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
["Keyboard", "kbd", "<kbd>kb</kbd>", false, false, "K", 75, ["Alt"], [], true],
["Superscript", "sup", "<sup>sup</sup>", false, false, "↑", 38, ["Alt"], [], false], // Up arrow
["Subscript", "sub", "<sub>sub</sub>", false, false, "↓", 40, ["Alt"], [], false], // Dwn arrow
["Del/strike", "del", "<del>del</del>", false, false, "X", 88, ["Alt"], [], false],
["Break", "br", "↵", true, false, "B", 66, ["Alt"], [], false],
["em-space", " ", "↔", true, true, "M", 77, ["Alt"], [], false],
let targetKeyCodes = [];
let targetCssClasses = [];
$("textarea.wmd-input").each (AddOurButtonsAsNeeded);
rootNode.on ("focus", "textarea.wmd-input", AddOurButtonsAsNeeded);
rootNode.on ("keydown", "textarea.wmd-input", InsertOurTagByKeypress);
rootNode.on ("click", ".tmAdded", InsertOurTagByClick);
rootNode.on ("click", "#self-answer-popup > .popup-actions .popup-submit", () => {
$("textarea.wmd-input").each (AddOurButtonsAsNeeded);
} );
/*--- Pre-build button HTML. It's like:
<li class="wmd-button tmAdded wmd-kbd-button" title="Keyboard tag <kbd> Alt+K">
for each new button.
let btnsHtml = "";
for (let btn of scConfig) {
let btnClssTxt = btn[1].replace (/\W/g, "");
btnClssTxt = `wmd-${btnClssTxt}-button`;
let btnTtlDetail = btn[4] ? btn[1] : `<${btn[1]}>`;
let btnKeyHint = btn[7].join ('+') + `+${btn[5]}`;
targetCssClasses.push (btnClssTxt);
btnsHtml += `
<li class="wmd-button tmAdded ${btnClssTxt}" title="${btn[0]} ${btnTtlDetail} ${btnKeyHint}">
//--- Compile keyboard modifiers and quick-check list.
for (let btn of scConfig) {
let btnMods = btn[7];
for (let kbMod of btnMods) {
switch (kbMod.toLowerCase() ) {
case "alt": btn[8].push ("altKey"); break;
case "ctrl": btn[8].push ("ctrlKey"); break;
case "shift": btn[8].push ("shiftKey"); break;
console.warn (`***Userscript error: Illegal keyboard modifier: "${kbMod}"`);
targetKeyCodes.push (btn[6]);
function AddOurButtonsAsNeeded () {
var jThis = $(this);
if ( ! jThis.data ("hasKbdBttn") ) {
//--- Find the button bar and add our buttons after the last, not help, button.
var btnBar = jThis.closest (".wmd-container").find (".wmd-button-bar");
if (btnBar.length) {
//--- The button bar takes a while to AJAX-in.
jThis.data ("loopSafety", 0);
var bbListTimer = setInterval ( () => {
var lpCnt = jThis.data ("loopSafety") + 1;
jThis.data ("loopSafety", lpCnt);
if (lpCnt > 100) { // 100 ~= 15 seconds
clearInterval (bbListTimer);
if (jThis.is(":visible") ) { // Avoid triggering on unused self-answer textarea.
console.warn (`***Userscript error: Unable to find the wmd-button-row.`, jThis);
var bbList = btnBar.find (".wmd-button-row");
if (bbList.length) {
clearInterval (bbListTimer);
if (jThis.data ("hasKbdBttn") ) return; // Guard against multiple timer overlap on slow pages.
let insrtPnt = bbList.find (".wmd-button").not (".wmd-help-button").last ();
insrtPnt.after (btnsHtml);
jThis.data ("hasKbdBttn", true);
}, 150);
else {
console.warn (`***Userscript error: Unable to find the button bar.`);
function InsertOurTagByKeypress (zEvent) {
//--- At least one modifier must be set
if ( !zEvent.altKey && !zEvent.ctrlKey && !zEvent.shiftKey) {
return true;
let J = targetKeyCodes.indexOf (zEvent.which);
if (J < 0) return true;
let btn = scConfig[J];
let matchesEvent = true;
for (let kbMod of btn[8]) {
if ( ! zEvent[kbMod] ) {
matchesEvent = false;
if (matchesEvent) {
let newHTML = btn[4] ? btn[1] : `<${btn[1]}>`;
InsertOurTag (this, newHTML, btn[3], btn[9]);
return false;
//--- Ignore all other keys.
return true;
function InsertOurTagByClick () {
//--- From the clicked button, find the matching textarea.
var jThis = $(this);
var targArea = jThis.closest (".wmd-button-bar").nextAll (".js-stacks-validation").find ("textarea.wmd-input");
if (targArea.length === 0) {
//-- The "Edit your profile" page currently uses a different (mostly throwback) layout.
targArea = jThis.closest (".wmd-button-bar").next ("textarea.wmd-input");
if (targArea.length === 0) {
console.warn (`***Userscript error: Unable to find the textarea from button.`);
for (let J in targetCssClasses) {
if (jThis.hasClass (targetCssClasses[J] ) ) {
let btn = scConfig[J];
let newHTML = btn[4] ? btn[1] : `<${btn[1]}>`;
InsertOurTag (targArea[0], newHTML, btn[3], btn[9]);
targArea.focus ();
try {
//--- This is a utility function that SE currently provides on its pages.
StackExchange.MarkdownEditor.refreshAllPreviews ();
catch (e) {
console.error ("***Userscript error: refreshAllPreviews() is no longer defined!", e);
function InsertOurTag (node, tagTxt, bTagHasNoEnd, bWrapByWord) {
//--- Wrap selected text or insert at curser.
var tagLength = tagTxt.length;
var endTag = tagTxt.replace (/</, "</");
var unwrapRegex = new RegExp ('^' + tagTxt + '((?:.|\\n|\\r)*)' + endTag + '$');
var oldText = node.value || node.textContent;
var newText;
var iTargetStart = node.selectionStart;
var iTargetEnd = node.selectionEnd;
var selectedText = oldText.slice (iTargetStart, iTargetEnd);
var possWrappedTxt;
if (bTagHasNoEnd) {
newText = oldText.slice (0, iTargetStart) + tagTxt + oldText.slice (iTargetStart);
iTargetStart += tagLength;
iTargetEnd += tagLength;
else {
try {
//--- Lazyman's overrun checking...
possWrappedTxt = oldText.slice (iTargetStart - tagLength, iTargetEnd + tagLength + 1);
catch (e) {
possWrappedTxt = "Text can't be wrapped, cause we overran the string.";
/*--- Is the current selection wrapped? If so, just unwrap it.
This works the same way as SE's bold, italic, code, etc...
"]text[" --> "<sup>]text[</sup>"
"<sup>]text[</sup>" --> "]text["
"]<sup>text</sup>[" --> "<sup>]<sup>text</sup>[</sup>"
Except that:
"][" --> "<sup>][</sup>"
"<sup>][</sup>" --> "]["
with no placeholder text.
And (Wrap by Word Mode):
"]Shift P[" --> "<kbd>]Shift</kbd> <kbd>P[</kbd>"
"<kbd>]Shift</kbd> <kbd>P[</kbd>" --> "]Shift P["
And: No wrapping or unwrapping is done on tags with no end tag, nor on non-tag text.
Note that `]` and `[` denote the selected text here.
if (possWrappedTxt &&
selectedText == possWrappedTxt.replace (unwrapRegex, "$1")
) {
let coreText = selectedText;
if (bWrapByWord) {
let strpRE = new RegExp (`${tagTxt}|${endTag}`, 'g');
coreText = coreText.replace (strpRE, "");
iTargetStart -= tagLength;
iTargetEnd += tagLength + 1;
newText = oldText.slice (0, iTargetStart) + coreText + oldText.slice (iTargetEnd);
iTargetEnd = iTargetStart + coreText.length;
else {
/*--- Here we will wrap the selection in our tags, but there is one extra
condition. We don't want to wrap leading or trailing whitespace.
var trimSelctd = selectedText.match (/^(\s*)(\S?(?:.|\n|\r)*\S)(\s*)$/) || ["", "", "", ""];
if (trimSelctd.length != 4) {
console.warn ("***Userscript error: unexpected failure of whitespace RE.");
else {
let wrappedText = tagTxt + trimSelctd[2] + endTag;
if (bWrapByWord && trimSelctd[2].length) {
let pieces = trimSelctd[2].split (/(\W+)/);
wrappedText = "";
for (let piece of pieces) {
if (piece.length && /\w/.test (piece[0]) )
wrappedText += tagTxt + piece + endTag;
wrappedText += piece;
newText = trimSelctd[1] //-- Leading whitespace, if any.
+ wrappedText
+ trimSelctd[3] //-- Trailing whitespace, if any.
newText = oldText.slice (0, iTargetStart)
+ newText + oldText.slice (iTargetEnd)
iTargetStart += tagLength + trimSelctd[1].length;
iTargetEnd += wrappedText.length - endTag.length - trimSelctd[2].length - trimSelctd[3].length;
node.value = newText;
//--- After using spelling corrector, this gets buggered, hence the multiple sets.
node.textContent = newText;
//--- Have to reset the selection, since we overwrote the text.
node.selectionStart = iTargetStart;
node.selectionEnd = iTargetEnd;
//--- Touch up styles...
var newStyle = document.createElement ('style');
newStyle.textContent = `
.tmAdded > span {
background-image: none;
.tmAdded:hover {
color: orange;
.wmd-kbd-button {
margin-right: 1ex;
.wmd-kbd-button > span > kbd {
border: 0px;
.wmd-kbd-button:hover > span > kbd {
background: orange;
.wmd-br-button > span {
font-size: 120%;
font-weight: bold;
document.head.appendChild (newStyle);
tag used to work, didn't it? Like<kbd>F1</kbd>
would “break” it, i.e. make it unreadable?`