This question, for whatever reason, has rubbed me the wrong way.
The OP asked a question about how to have dynamically added inputs for a web page. After receiving several answers, he accepted one (which happened to be mine).
However, a few days later he unaccepted the answer, modified the question to have new requirements, (and yet more vague) and slapped a 500 point bounty on the question. After receiving more answers, he continually responds to inquiries by saying something like "There is no real answer! I just want to have a future reference of ideas for all to see!". Then, he modified the question a few days later with conditions on the award of the bounty.
All of this is pretty subtle, and maybe there is nothing wrong here, but it seems to take advantage of those that were truly trying to answer by modifying the requirements to generate more answers.
Maybe I feel taken advantage of after having my answer accepted and then unaccepted. I certainly don't need the reputation, and he can choose whatever answer he wishes, but it feels more like he is dangling a carrot with no solid requirements for reward and simply creating a feeding frenzy of sorts.
At the very least, I think he should have posted a new question (and told him so). Should I let it go?