For most questions, I don't think there's such thing as a best time. As others have stated, the moment there are many users online to answer questions, there are also more users online to ask questions, and it all evens out in the end.
Here is a little SEDE query illustrating that. The horizontal axis is the number of hours since Sunday 12am UTC. I've normalized the data a little bit:
- outliers, questions with more than twice the standard deviation away from the average (often Hot Network Questions), are not considered when it comes to average view counts
- 'rate of acceptance' means the percentage of questions which has an accepted answer (so it's between 30% and 40%)
- the other numbers are compared against the 'best' bucket, so the highest value is always 1. If that would equate with 1000 views and 2000 questions, a value of 0.5 would mean 500 views or 1000 questions.
This is how it looks like for 2022 Q1 on Stack Overflow. Except for the number of questions, which peaks on weekdays a few hours after UTC noon, there isn't any clear pattern. You can change the parameters to check other periods, or use the site switcher to run it on another site, but I doubt that would make much of a difference. It's best not to use last month's data, as those questions haven't really matured.
That said, if you know you've got potential Hot Network Question material in your hands and want maximum exposure, it's best to post it on Sunday. But as my graph there shows, that only matters for about 1% of all questions.