I have a minor curiosity on this, but I can't seem to find any documentation (at least on MSO or on the Area51 FAQ) about this specific point: What happens to your privileges when a site becomes a 'real' website/successfully graduates from the beta process?
I see that rep requirements increase to full site levels. In other words, if I get to 1000 on a beta site, and can then make direct edits, and the minimum goes up, am I suddenly barred from that, even though I was already trusted to do this?
When the site graduates, what happens?
The rep requirement is increased, but I am grandfathered into and retain the privilege.- The rep requirement is increased, and I lose the privilege.
The rep requirement is increased, and my current reputation is scaled up to match, thereby preserving my privileges.
I understand point #2 to be correct.
Now that I know this, can we add this to the beta sites' and/or Area 51 FAQs or make this information more readily available in some other way (I'm still leaning toward the FAQs)?