What to do when:
You have a problem you can not solve. You post a question to one of StackExchange sites. Describe in detail the situation which produces the problem. People start posting answers, comments, possible solutions or workarounds based on the information you provided.
After some digging you discover that your problem was originating from something completely irrelevant. The situation you described in detail was correct but had nothing to do with the problem, the answers people posted were possibly correct but had nothing to do with your problem either.
What is the recommended behavior in this situation.
- Post an answer explaining the situation, the root cause, the solution and select your own answer as the correct answer?
- Select somebody's answer which is close to your solution for your irrelevant answer in some way (if any)
- Select an answer that you think solves the problem in the post, if your irrelevant problem is taken out of the equation.
- Close the question without an answer.