I've been registered on Stack Exchange for almost on year, and I've used it as a useful resource.
Recently, I decided to reciprocate, and I started to reply to question (mainly on Stack Overflow) in the past four months.
In the last month I'm seeing a degradation of questions.IMHO
Most of those low quality question are from <10 reputation users or just registered users.
I am talking about questions anyone can find a solution to by just googling or searching on Stack Overflow or reading the documentation.
So, I decided to reply to those question only giving the elements and info or general code examples to resolve those problems but without writing the exact code answer.
I try to give them info to resolve it by themselves, explaining the concept and not a cut&paste solution, but every time they ask for the exact code.
It seems that the only reason for their question is to find someone to do their job or homework or whatever.
It seems that some people are taking advantage of the pursuit of reputation points.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Too Localized
, as well.