This answer to this question was in the review queue just now. The current best answer to this question is no longer completely correct. I now have a problem:
I should draw the focus to this answer, because the other one is outdated. However, I can't edit the best answer to include this one's information, because the best answer is not community wiki.
I don't want to comment asking the author of the question to change their best answer selection for a few reasons: It doesn't make sense to instruct the author of a question to change their best answer, they may not even see my request, and if they do they may not change it. I also don't want to have to follow up with this (if I have to, I may not bother in the first place). Additionally, any comment I add will be lost to other viewers as there are already numerous upvoted comments on this question.
How should I handle this? Should I edit the OP to link to this answer? Or should I just leave it be and hope passers-by look through all the answers?
(This one is particularly bad because it leads users to install a plugin, which (though I haven't dealt with this one myself) can often be very irritating.)