Not making any issue out here, but still want to ask this, that are users allowed to chat and target other users?
I answered this question here(Only +10K can see)
Just before 10 mins, a user downvotes my answer, saying that I am a repwhore and I shouldn't answer RTFM questions(Am not aware about RTFM, no user can go reading 1000's of meta question unless and until he is informed). Ok, I got his point, answer was not wrong, 12 users upvoted, I didn't went to those users for any upvotes, they upvoted themselves, moreover, I got another downvote in a minutes time, and I got suspicious, and went to chat, where people were discussing about this, so is this not against the rule? I mean if the answer should not be posted, flag the mod, why target me personally, let the mod decide what to do with the question/answers? They voted to delete the question, I don't mind and I don't care about rep, but this behavior seems unfair to me.
Straight from chat