Badges are a nice way of getting rewarded for reaching certain achievements. Some badges are super easy to earn while others take a lot of patience and effort to get. Similarly people may care more for certain badges and care less for others.
Currently the flair feature shows the total count of bronze, silver and gold badges a user has earned, in bulk, e.g.
This makes badges get lost in the masses and be just a number.
It would be nice to have a feature that let me choose from my badges the one I care the most about and show that badge in the flair.
It is true the size of the flair is limited so that's why I'd like to suggest two options: make the flair a little taller to make space for the badge OR make the option of displaying the badge mutually exclusive with showings the badges in bulk (gold,silver,bronze), this way the user would have to choose between showing just one badge or showing them all.