Consider this Low Quality review:
Based on the answer in How does Recommend Close work and why does it instantly complete review?, it appears that:
Since questions with close flags are sent to the Close Queue, "Recommend Close" basically ends up punting the question from one queue to another.
In the time since I voted to close the question with a binding vote, six people voted to "Recommend Close", then there was one more binding close vote, then three more Recommend Close votes, before it was finally closed.
All told, it took 14 people to close one question.
After a certain number of "Recommend Close" votes, shouldn't that have some sort of extra effect? Maybe 3-5 "Recommend Close" counts as one close vote?
Or if "Recommend Close" votes after the first vote aren't going to do anything additional, should people with less than 3000 reputation even see questions with a "Recommend Close" vote in the Low Quality Review Queue?
I guess I'm just confounded by how many people had to review the blasted thing.