I see it is possible to see all tags that exist, in order of most popular (most questions asked, presumably) to least. I quite enjoy contributing on stack overflow, but I find that some tags, which I would like to contribute to, have so many questions, I can't handle (like C++ tag). Which led me to wonder, if there is a way to find, for a given tag, which secondary tags have lowest answer ratio. For example, say I see the list of tags:
C# 60000
C++ 50000
python 40000
Java 30000
I'd like to know which tag that appears with C++ has smallest ratio of questions answered. So if I clicked on C++, I might see:
c++ 50000
- multithread 4000 50%
- memory 3000 65%
- string 2000 35%
which would indicate that for questions that have the C++ tag, there are 4000 that also have the multithread tag, 3000 the memory tag, and 2000 the string tag; and that 65% of C++ questions that have the memory tag have an accepted answer, but only 35% of C++ questions that have a string tag have accepted answer.
This would help me choose what tag groups to monitor: the ones with lowest acceptance ratio, presumably the ones that are most in need of help.
Note that this % acceptance ratio could be shown with any combination of tags: just c++, c++ and multithread, c++ and multithread and memory, etc. The order of tags doesn't matter: ultimately it's the % acceptance of all questions asked for a selected group of tags, the drill-down just helps people find what they are most interested in answering.
If there is interest I'd be happy to implement such capability.