Yes, I know there is this why-is-stack-overflows-meta-also-the-meta-of-the-whole-stack-exchange-engine question, but the tone of the answer seems to perpetuate the notion that other, non-IT SE sites don't actually matter.
For example, I asked can-a-tags-list-constitute-a-glossary and was referred to mark-questions-as-duplicate-of-tag-wiki which was so full of C++ and PHP references that I failed to even see how it was related, even after a couple of readings.
If I come here for some honest Q&A about policies and procedures relevant to the whole family of SE sites and I'm met with a load "pure" SO jargon/examples I wonder why it is labelled as something different.
I'm aware of the history (that, In the beginning, there was Stack Overflow) but that doesn't justify the general state of confusion of this, MSO, site.