I would like to propose putting link pointers to each answer at the start of the answers section. This would be in the style of a contents page.
By looking at the link description, one can directly head into the required answer, suppose a question like nginx php config types
might have more than one answer like php.conf
as well as /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
... which can be shown as different links, and user can choose what they wish to look at.
In questions with many answers, this feature will be useful to quickly move to the most promising answer.
ADDED - As asked by commentors - this is somewhat what I am thinking of... question and the answer labels don't relate, but I am pasting a general style ANSWERS
link on an answer will take you directly to the answer already.Answer 1
Answer 2
etc. and I don't see how having a list of those is more helpful than just seeing the answers as it is now.PURE CSS
would definitely help the questioner and the subsequent visitors.