I’ve recently noticed that many of my posts get edited by new users, and the edits are subsequently approved (often unanimously).
Great, right?
Yes. Except that many of these edits are spurious, or wrong. The first kind irks me somewhat but is tolerable. The second kind, not so much.
Here are two examples from the last day:
How can I check if a file is empty? – The edit doesn’t invalidate the answer, it’s just completely superfluous. I don’t particularly resent it, I just think it shouldn’t have been approved: that’s not what edits are for.
Why should files end with a newline? – The editor apparently confused the words “expect” and “except”. No biggie, but all but one reviewer didn’t notice this.
That’s not review. It’s just clicking “ok”.
I realise that there are already measures in place to catch noop reviewers. But they don’t seem to be working particularly well, at least as far as I can tell.
I have no solution. I just wanted to offer this anecdote for consideration.