This feature request is posted as a follow-up to discussion in comments related to flagging very low quality "drafts" of fastest gun answers:

edits to a post flagged as Very Low Quality will immediately dismiss that flag as helpful. So you really don't have to worry about flagging a post that's abysmally bad now - if it gets fixed before it gets into review, your flag will silently go away.

Q: if edit happened after the flag but during grace period, can system distinguish that as a flag-validating edit?

A: It could... but it currently doesn't. (went and tested this to make sure)

Suggest to enable system to recognize edits that happened after the VLQ flag but during grace period as flag-validating ones.

The way how things work now looks like breaking the intent stated in above quote: "you really don't have to worry about flagging a post that's abysmally bad now..."

  • 1
    So basically you're saying that ninja edits should automatically dismiss VLQ flags as helpful? I'm not sure that's an improvement. Maybe we should give folks the 5 minutes it probably takes to do a proper job on their post before removing the scrutiny that the VLQ flag brings.
    – user102937
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 0:22
  • @RobertHarvey all I say is current behavior doesn't match the intended one: "you really don't have to worry about flagging a post that's abysmally bad now..." In that sense, I would not mind request to be declined with an explanation like "hey we (SE team) changed our mind, flaggers must wait until fastest gun guys complete their tricks"
    – gnat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 0:24
  • I still think you don't.
    – user102937
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 0:25
  • @RobertHarvey "if it gets fixed before it gets into review, your flag will silently go away" -- this won't happen now: 1) flag is submitted against crappy "draft" 2) fastest gun edit brings post into shape during grace period 3) flag is not dismissed 4) post enters the queue with an active flag and (surprise) in a proper shape
    – gnat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 0:29
  • Hrm. A substantial edit, maybe... Otherwise, I think I agree with Robert here - it'd just be a great way for people to ensure they are never automatically flagged as VLQ since all it'd take would be a quick fake edit during the grace period.
    – Adam Lear StaffMod
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 0:48
  • @AnnaLear as pointed above, my primary concern as a flagger is whether I can rely on this statement or not: "you really don't have to worry about flagging a post that's abysmally bad now..." Whether you confirm or dismiss it, is of secondary importance. Just give me rules of the game
    – gnat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 0:52

2 Answers 2


Sort of workaround for this issue became available due to recent changes to the system. Prior to flagging an answer that looks incomplete, one can ask to clarify this in comments. Like this:

this answer looks incomplete, why?

Mentioned system change makes comments reset grace period, so that in case if author improves the post, there will be a guaranteed, recognizable new post revision after your comment.

For VLQ/NAA flags, new post revision will automatically dismiss these as helpful.

  • this answer focuses on flagging because the question is about flagging. For a wider overview of the impact of new feature refer Is it all right to flag very new answer as 'very low quality'? at MSO: "recent changes to the system send a fairly strong message on what is expected of you..."
    – gnat
    Commented Apr 25, 2015 at 9:43

Don't really have an issue with this, but I also don't think it's really as much of a problem as folks think it is*.

Over the past 30 days, 85% of all Very Low Quality flags on Stack Overflow answers were marked helpful. For those raised within 5 minutes of a post's life, the helpful rate goes up to 87%. That leaves only 41 FGITW VLQ flags on Stack Overflow answers during this period that weren't helpful - 39 of which were marked "disputed" by review.

Determining which (if any) of these were edited during the grace period is do-able, but tedious - so let's do a quick sanity-check instead. Here are the 39 answers:

*Not that anyone here sleeps with the lights on for fear that the FGITW under their bed will eat them, mind you

  • 2
    Just for scale: those are 39 flags out of a total of 4,354 raised during the past 30 days on SO. You have to be a FFITW to even have a shot at this problem.
    – Shog9
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 1:03
  • so, what do you plan for - yay or nay? Not that this would stop me from fast flagging, I only prefer to know to better understand the implications. :) As for the frequency of flag / gun races, I think you can generally expect its increase as more and more flaggers learn about great power of the queue brought in by recent changes (really nice job on designing these by the way)
    – gnat
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 6:54

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