This feature request is posted as a follow-up to discussion in comments related to flagging very low quality "drafts" of fastest gun answers:
edits to a post flagged as Very Low Quality will immediately dismiss that flag as helpful. So you really don't have to worry about flagging a post that's abysmally bad now - if it gets fixed before it gets into review, your flag will silently go away.
Q: if edit happened after the flag but during grace period, can system distinguish that as a flag-validating edit?
A: It could... but it currently doesn't. (went and tested this to make sure)
Suggest to enable system to recognize edits that happened after the VLQ flag but during grace period as flag-validating ones.
The way how things work now looks like breaking the intent stated in above quote: "you really don't have to worry about flagging a post that's abysmally bad now..."