We'll have to see if this gets implemented anywhere between 6 and 8 units but until then this userscript might give you the same information. Here is a screenshot with it in action:
and here is the script. If you run it you might notice that it takes a little time to show all stuff. The script uses an interval to fetch the data for you and tries to do that as quickly as possible within the boundaries of the SE ratelimits.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Match against peers in review
// @namespace http://stackoverflow.com/users/578411/rene
// @version 0.7
// @description how you reviewed against your peers
// @author rene
// @match *://stackoverflow.com/review/*/history*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
/*global $:false */
(function ($, window) {
"use strict";
var tasks = [],
intervalTime = 500, // 200ms (make this larger when throttled often)
per = 90000, // milliseconds
penalty = 60000, // msec to wait after 503
rate = 150, // per 90000 milliseconds (make this smaller when throttled often, but on 80 you're safe )
// for each review put a task in the queue
function addTasks(tasks) {
$('#content > div > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) > a').each(function () {
var a = $(this);
a.parent().append($('<span class="match" style="float:right; padding-right:20px; "></span>').html('…'));
// if (tasks.length > 30) {return false; }
// find the key, return the index
function find(arr, val) {
var index = -1,
for (j = 0; j < arr.length; j = j + 1) {
if (arr[j].key === val) {
index = j;
return index;
// update the outcomes array based on the html
// in instruction
function handleInstruction(instruction, outcomes) {
var index,
if (instruction.find('b').length > 0) { // review-results
outcome = instruction.find('b').text();
index = find(outcomes, outcome);
if (index === -1) {
outcomes.push({ key: outcome, value: 1});
} else {
outcomes[index].value = outcomes[index].value + 1;
// parse the review outcome html and return an array
// with outcomes and it's number of occurences
function handleInstructions(instructions) {
var i,
handled = false,
outcomes = [];
ul = $(instructions).find('ul > li');
ul.each(function(i) {
var t = this;
handleInstruction($(t), outcomes);
handled =true;
if (!handled) {
// stangely enough instructions doesn't behave fully as a
// jquery object, hence the juggling here
for (i = 0; i < instructions.length; i = i + 1) {
handleInstruction($(instructions[i]), outcomes);
//sort on value
return outcomes.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.value > b.value ? -1 : a.value === b.value ? 0 : 1;
function getInstructions(val) {
if (val !== undefined && typeof val === 'string' && val.indexOf('Approve,') !== 0) {
return val;
return '<div></div>';
// if the postback results are in process and show the (mis)match
function postresultHandler(data, url) {
var stats = $(data),
status = $(getInstructions(data.instructions)),
peers = handleInstructions($(getInstructions(stats[0].instructions))), // rank hold the reviews of your peers
rank = find(peers, url.text().trim()), // url is your own review
comp = false,
more = false,
audit = false;
if (typeof status[0].textContent === 'string') {
comp = status[0].textContent.indexOf('Review completed') > 0 ||
status[0].textContent.indexOf('Rejected') > 0 || // this is how we know the suggested edit is complete
status[0].textContent.indexOf('Approved') > 0;
more = status[0].textContent.indexOf('needs more reviews from other users') > 0;
audit = status[0].textContent.indexOf('Review audit') > 0;
if (comp) {
if (rank === 0) { // if on top, match
match = { html: '=', color: 'green'};
} else if (rank > 0 && peers[rank].value === peers[0].value) { // not on top, but equal
match = { html: '~', color: 'orange'};
} else { // no match
match = { html: '!', color: 'red'};
} else {
if (more) {
match = { html: '.', color: 'black'};
} else if (audit) {
match = { html: 'A', color: 'blue'};
} else if (stats.isUnavailable === true || (stats[0] && stats[0].isUnavailable === true )) {
match = { html: ' ', color: 'black'};
} else {
match = { html: '?', color: 'black'};
.css('color', match.color);
// get array with timestamps from localstorage
function getThrottle() {
var calls = window.localStorage.getItem('se-throttle');
if (calls === null) {
calls = [ Date.now() ];
} else {
calls = JSON.parse(calls);
if (!Array.isArray(calls)) {
calls = [ Date.now() ];
return calls;
// update timestamp array for throttle
function setThrottle(time) {
var calls = getThrottle(),
if (time === undefined) {
time = Date.now();
for(i = 0;
((i < calls.length - 1) && (calls[0] < Date.now() - per));
i = i + 1) {
if (calls.length > rate) {
window.localStorage.setItem('se-throttle', JSON.stringify(calls));
// gets called by the setInterval
function taskWorker() {
var url = tasks.shift(),
partReviewId = 3,
partQueue = 2,
// http://meta.stackexchange.com/a/214527/158100
reviewTypeMap = {
"suggested-edits": 1,
close: 2,
"low-quality-posts": 3,
"first-posts": 4,
"late-answers": 5,
reopen : 6,
triage : 10,
helper: 11
if (url !== undefined) {
parts = url.attr('href').split('/');
$.post('/review/next-task/' + parts[partReviewId],
taskTypeId: reviewTypeMap[parts[partQueue]], /* triage -> 10 */
fkey: window.StackExchange.options.user.fkey
function (data) {
postresultHandler(data, url);
.fail(function (xhr, stat, error) {
// Service Unavailable means we're throttled, panic
if (xhr.status === 503) {
// wait a full minute to get free
setThrottle(Date.now() + 60000);
} else {
// check if we are within the throttle boundaries
function isAllowed() {
var calls = getThrottle(),
timepassed = Date.now() - calls[0];
// console.log(timepassed);
return (((calls.length < rate) ||
(timepassed > per)) &&
(calls[calls.length-1] < Date.now()));
// handle a task
function task() {
if (isAllowed()) {
} else {
// console.log('<< throttle >>');
function init(tasks, time) {
return window.setInterval(task, time);
interval = init(tasks, intervalTime);
}($ || unsafeWindow.$, window || unsafeWindow));
The script has seven possible outcomes:
- a match (=),
- a mismatch (!) or
- a tie/draw (~)
- an audit (A)
- a review you voted on but is not yet complete (.)
- a pending review ( ) (space)
- an unknown state (?)
It uses the ajax call to /review/next-task/1
to retrieve the review results of your peers (where 1 is replaced with the actual review-id).
Notice: The script has two variables that can be changed if you hit the SE rate-limit too often. The first is how many milliseconds between calls (currently 200 msec, higher than 1125 msec should be the max on non-shared IP-addresses). The second is how many calls within 90 seconds. Current setting is 150, lower than 80 is not needed on non-shared IP-addresses
Version 0.2 has dynamic ratelimiting and refactored code to clean-up and jslint-ed
Version 0.3 added three new states, audit, pending (others/own).
Version 0.4 replaced the use of innerText to textContent to support FF
Works and tested in:
- Google Chrome with Tamper Monkey
- FireFox with Grease Monkey 3 (if broken with version 4 it will stay broken)
Install from Greasy Fork
Install from GitHub (source)