One of my sites has a persistent problem with comments -- chatty comments, proto-answers in comments, big long conversations in comments. I suspect we're not the only ones with this problem.
While a conversation between two people will eventually trigger the "hey, you should do this in chat" notice, and while moderators can move comments to chat (after an auto-flag is raised), I'm looking for something that regular users can do, and sooner.
We currently ask people to get a room, but the process is a little cumbersome:
You're on the site, on a specific post, and see a comment thread that's getting away from what comments are for.
You leave the page or launch a new tab, navigate to chat, and find your way to "create a room". You might or might not give this room a helpful name.
Optionally you cut/paste existing comments there. I include this theoretical step for the sake of completeness; it's not really a reasonable thing to expect.
You go back to the post and write a comment linking to the chat room.
But the other commenters might just ignore you, might not even have privileges to chat, and have no easy way to move things there.
What can we do to make this easier? It'd be great if we could at least create the room (with a canonical name pattern) and auto-generate the comment containing the link, all without leaving the post page.
A harder question is what to do about existing comments; we probably don't want any random user to be able to move a whole set of comments to chat, but there's something to be said for copying existing comments to the new chat room and then raising a moderator flag on the post so mods can review and decide whether to purge those comments. (Ones that ask for clarification should remain, as usual, hence the need for human review.)
What can we do to make this process easier?