- I make a post.
- Somebody suggests an edit.
- I get notified that an edit has been made, and I get asked to approve it.
- Then it tells me that I don't have the rep to (approve?).
- …so it goes in the queue.
Firstly I should be able to approve an edit to my own post without needing high rep.
And secondly, if I don't have the rep to approve an edit to my own post then the system shouldn't pester me with telling me that an edit has been made and giving me the approve button to click which after clicking next, doesn't approve it.
For anybody that doubts that I received a message, even being less than the 2k rep requirement…
A screenshot that I got the notification about an edit made to my own post
A screenshot of the review page. Notice my rep isn't high though I still got that page.
So it shouldn't have asked me to approve it in the first place. And when I click Next I get this message:
I see it let me review it. So it shouldn't say I "need 2K rep to review suggested edits".. that message made me unsure whether i'd just managed to review my post or not. If anything, it should say you need 2K rep to review suggested edits of other peoples' posts. Or better, return to the question - as suggested in an answer