I have my profile in http://careers.stackoverflow.com/ and in this page in the right side of the page under "Your Profile" it is showing "Public Views" as 8.
I would like to see who viewed my profile, is it possible to see this?
1 Answer
I don't think this feature is available, usually on Stack Exchange sites you cannot see who interact with you except for comment and answers which are associated to the user.
I totally agree with this approach because it avoids the generation of a sort of "chain of revenge" in which if you downvote my questions/answer I downvote yours and so on.
Talking about the career profile I think that a nice idea could be to send a notification to the user who has submitted a job application only if the recruiter has seen the submitted CV. This feature could be very useful (I asked for it here) but I would not extend this to the Public Views.
1The answer for your last para is here: meta.stackexchange.com/a/263395/254554 Commented Aug 27, 2015 at 14:14
1Thanks for the edit. You got my +1 there and here too :) Commented Aug 27, 2015 at 14:39