I am an active member of the SharePoint StackExchange forum/community. I would like to add a link and description of my experience as a member of StackExchange on my LinkedIn profile. I am confused as to under which section should I add these details?
Also, it would be really nice if StackExchange comes up with something similar to what Codeschool has implemented... Add to my LinkedIn Profile facility. All we need to do is to click on that link and the course that we completed is added to our LinkedIn Profile.
Edit 1: Codeschool is just a website for online tutorials, offering range of technical courses (Free as well as paid). Check this link
After completion of courses they offer certificates and at the end of the course on the Certifiacte/Badge page they provide a link to add that certificate to our LinkedIn Profile. Find the snap below:
Upon clicking this link the course is added under the Certification section of LinkedIn without us having to take any further trouble.