I realize that your suppose to accept an answer if it worked for you. What if you have a high up-voted question, but the answer was found through the comments? Do I ask the user who made the comment to post it as an answer? How important is it to accept answers for all your questions? Is it worth begging users from the comments section to post the answer from the comments section to post their answer as a official answer?

One possible problem

Some users feel answers in the comment section are easy answers and don't deserve to be answered. What do I do in this case. Delete the question?


1 Answer 1


What if you have a high up-voted question, but the answer was found through the comments? Do I ask the user who made the comment to post it as an answer?

Yes! If a comment is actually the answer to your question, ask the commenter to post his comment as an answer which works a lot of the times. If the commenter seems to be inactive or unresponsive for a really long time, post the comment as an answer yourself with attribution/credit to the commenter of course. That solves your other problem.

How important is it to accept answers for all your questions?

Not important at all. If you have a million questions and there are no answers that truly answer your questions in your opinion, it is okay not to have a single accept. But if there is an answer that deserves the accept, give it the accept.

Is it worth begging users from the comments section to post the answer from the comments section to post their answer as a official answer?

Don't beg. Just leave a comment like I said in the first paragraph.

  • Note that if you end up posting the comment as an answer for them, it might be a good idea to make it community wiki. Commented Apr 2, 2016 at 21:15

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