I have encountered this question on Psych & Neurosci SE. It's a question that's actually quite interesting for a psychophysicist.
However, it's basically a one-liner without prior research effort. We ask users to at least show us some of the research that went into it, which, in general, leads to more clear, and more focused questions.
Indeed this post has, at the time of this writing, received 2 close votes - question is 1) too broad and 2) it is unclear. I would've added a close vote on the basis of under-researchedness, barred I'm a mod and I'm keeping my distance [for now].
Anyway, as seen in the comments, this user is oblivious to why their question is receiving close-votes. Of course this person can see why, but seems not to understand anyway. In addition, many newbies cannot see the close-votes being cast on questions (rep <250) and this information is highly informative for them to learn the conventions on each site.
So while the above question is simply an example, I think it shows a general problem; newbies can't see why their question is being shot at behind the screens.
Hence my question:
Can the reason(s) of the close votes not be shown on each question for newbies? It may interfere with the privilege award system and so on, but oftentimes close votes are not accompanied by comments. As a possible feature request, a message may appear like, taking the linked post as an example:
This post has received close vote(s) based on
- Unclear what you're asking
- Too broad