Recently Facebook was hacked with 50M accounts compromised.
I just got a message from a moderator of Stack Exchange site Information Security that my account has been suspended.
I'm writing in reference to your Information Security Stack Exchange account:
I wanted to let you know that we've observed some rudeness in your latest activity. We get it; anyone who's ever tried to engage with others online has probably been tempted to lash out at someone else. This is just a friendly reminder that we require all participants to act in a professional and civil tone when using these sites. If another user has wronged you in some way, please do not respond in kind. Simply flag the content for moderator attention and move on.
If this is a simple misunderstanding, no harm done. Sometimes it is helpful to remind ourselves on occasion that keeping things friendly and constructive doesn't have to be at odds with being right — so enjoy the site, bring your sense of humor, and please be tolerant of others who may not know everything you know.
We have temporarily suspended your account; you may return after 30 days.
Regards, Information Security Stack Exchange Moderation Team
I haven't been on Information Security in months. My latest comment was in February.
Can a hacker who hacked Facebook log into a linked Information Security account and suspend other accounts, edit the questions to point to malicious URLs, or delete content?
Could a moderator of one Stack Exchange site see content that a user wrote on another Stack Exchange site, and suspend the account on the Stack Exchange site they moderate in retaliation? (This happens on Reddit.)
I really have no idea what if anything I said, and I really doubt I said anything at all. I really think the system has been compromised.
I can't even ask on Meta Information Security because it says I need 5 reputation now:
You must have at least 5 reputation on Information Security Stack Exchange to ask a question on meta, but you may ask a question about your own Information Security Stack Exchange post specifically.
comments activity tab and there was no option to view deleted comments, like deleted posts.