2024/09: It's been more than 8 years since this post, and more than 10 years since this post.
The latter has been tagged as status-completed. According to Slate, something has been done to alleviate the issue. However the issue that prompted these posts is, IME, still very much present.
To be honest, I personally haven't noticed any improvement, and yes, I had to, just some 20 minutes ago, once again, instruct a new user to add information they posted as a comment to their question in the question itself.
I mainly partecipate in technical sites, so perhaps this isn't an issue to other communities as it is to my main communities (Ask Ubuntu / Unix & Linux). But the issue there is noticeable. Especially because often times a command output, which is often times unparseable if not formatted with the right spacing / syntax highlighting in the question, is crucial to solving OP's issue.
At this point, telling users this specific thing over and over is feeling like a chore. And I'm gonna be 100% honest, it's sometimes taking away my willingness to help new users. If, for the third time in a day, I see someone posting an unformatted mess (which should be a command output) as a comment to their question, there's now a high change I'll just look away, go back to the active tab and move on to something else, and leave it to someone else to do the explaining.
I would like for this issue to get more attention.
Especially on technical sites, as even sporadic users will have noticed, new users very often don't include important information into the question they're posting.
This usually leads the first user passing by to leave a comment asking for clarifications, which punctually get posted in the comments section.
Many times there's not even the need for a user to ask OP to do so, OP just does that because they forgot something or because they want to improve their question by adding more details.
In any case this leads to:
- Important information posted into the comments section, where they shouldn't stay;
- Question not bumping up in the active questions tab, which doesn't help fixing point #1;
- Unless OP pings one of the users that left a comment in doing so, none of the user who commented will get to know that the requested clarifications were posted, which doesn't help fixing point #1 either.
I think it would be convenient to prompt new users with a popup similar to the popup prompting to leave an explanation upon downvote when a new user leaves a comment under the following conditions:
- OP hasn't been prompted before (i.e. do this only upon OP's first attempt to comment);
- OP is commenting on their own question;
- OP didn't benefit from the association bonus.
The message could go something like this (feel free to rephrase):
Comments shouldn't be used to add important information to the question; if you're adding information useful for your question to be answered, please edit your question instead.
This could also be a great opportunity to teach new users how to reply to comments:
Comments shouldn't be used to add important information to the question; if you're adding information useful for your question to be answered, please edit your question instead. If you're replying to a comment of another user, you can use
, whereusername
is the username of the user you're replying to without spaces, to notify the user of your reply.