Yesterday when i went onto Movies and TV i noticed that rather than my Gravatar avatar appearing i had an Identicon. this is also the case on Arqade, Scifi and Stack Overflow so i assume on all other accounts i have linked. thing is Anime and Manga is unaffected.

On Movies and TV i sent to set the avatar to Gravatar but the chnage did to apply to all my accounts, Arqade, Scifi and Stack Overflow remaining the same. i also changed the "About me" section on Anime and Manga while i had Gravatar set, the About Me changes on all the sites but the avatar doesn't and i know i am pressing "Save Profile" and not the "customize your profile just on this community." link. and my Stack Exchange Profile shows the correct avatar (though chnages have to be imported into it)

Now i went onto Movies and TV today and found it's been changed back to my Identicon. and i know i changed it to Gravatar because Chat cached it on the transcript

cached chat posts

now yesterday it would have just been an inconvenience to go through all my accounts to fix this (was going to just focus on sites i frequent for now) but now it's more than that if Movies and TV reset, and i just don't understand why Anime and Manga is unaffected (it is set as my parent user in Chat so maybe that explains it)

I would probably upload my avatar to SE's imgur but given how changing the avatar from Identicon to Gravatar didn't propagate though all my accounts, i don't want to individually upload to every account.

Does anyone know what's going on here?

  • 4
    This is quite likely either the same as, or at least closely related to, the issue in Profile picture using Identicon on most sites asked just an hour earlier. Commented May 14, 2020 at 3:42
  • @JohnOmielan i suspect the same issue and that i've noticed it will reset even if you change it. i did search a few hours ago, should have done a re-search before i posted
    – Memor-X
    Commented May 14, 2020 at 3:48


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