I am not sure how to make a suggestion. I will position the problem and then a solution/idea. Even if my idea would be adopted there may still be a problem, but I am just trying to close the gap.
As a new user it is not obvious how to use SE. As an intermediate user it is not obvious which site to use in each situation, and also probably the same for even an advanced user, somewhat of an impossible problem to solve. Sure photography/physics/math to name a few are easy to find which site to use.
My issue was in Office 365 & OneDrive, there is no 365/MS/OneDrive SE. So I came to this link. https://stackexchange.com/sites# and found all sites, and this did not offer me any help for my Office 365 OneDrive issue.
- When hovering over a site load a word cloud of the site tags inside the site (bubble).
- Make the tags searchable, filterable, to help find the site which uses that word the most.
This way the punters can find a good site, easier, when trying to be diligent SE users.
However I just searched for these tags:
- "office365" SO=7k tags used, and SU=1k
- "onedrive" SO=2.5k, SU=750
This would suggest SO would be my best place to ask my question, however I got told to take my question to SU. So maybe my theory is wrong, maybe SO is naturally higher because of the larger usergroup?
My question: Was this the right content to post here?