There seems to be an inconsistent alignment in the badge history for people with long usernames. For example, in the badge history for the "Necromancer" badge, Sonic and iBug's usernames have practically the same length:

enter image description here

Yet there's an alignment issue:

enter image description here

Note that the number of characters doesn't matter; "mmm" is longer than "iii" even though they have the same number of characters.

IMO, the usernames could be shifted to the left depending on how long the username is:

Suggested improvement

The questions can be broken down into multiple lines anyway, so IMO a left-shift shouldn't be a problem.

Though this may be a duplicate from 2 years ago, I don't think the problem in the linked question is presented correctly. The OP assumes that the issue occurs for "around 27 characters or more" when this is not the case (see my comment below). It seems to be based on the length of the username (as seen visually/spatially) rather than the number of characters. For example, "ijokeijokeijokeireallydojoke" is 28 characters long, but it's still visually/spatially the same length as "iBug says Reinstate Monica" (which is 26 characters long), so "ijokeijokeijokeireallydojoke" would not cause an alignment issue even though it is 28 characters long.

  • 2
    @TheAmplitwist If it's a duplicate of a 2 year old question, it's about time they answer/fix it.
    – Mast
    Commented Mar 11, 2022 at 8:57
  • 1
    Funny. There's a username in the linked question which has 25 characters (GhostCat salutes Monica C) and does not fit. In the example in my question, there's a username that has 26 characters (iBug says Reinstate Monica) and still fits. Note that they're practically the same length even with a one-character difference.
    – Justin
    Commented Mar 11, 2022 at 9:23


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