Seriously, WTF? (In case you can't read my cursorwriting, the line above that is "3 < 7".)
I'll admit that this example is a bit disingenuous. The question attracted a number of downvotes because it looked like Yet Another Bad Interview Question, but then it attracted some very interesting answers and started getting upvotes (and favorites). The actual ratio is +8/-5, which (in this case) explains why there are more favorites than upvotes.
But I've seen this before, and I doubt that every time it's caused by some intense downvoting. Some questions get more favorites than upvotes, and this is probably wrong.
I know some people use (or used) the favorites system as a way of getting back to questions where, say, they had asked the OP for clarification, but I believe that is now an unnecessary use of the favorite tool, with the addition of comment notification. There are so many ways now to get back to a question you asked a while ago that this use is no longer necessary.
In this case, I propose a modest change:
- If simple bookmarking is the intended use of the "Favorite" function, then we should change the name to "Bookmark" so it appears nonjudgemental.
- If the "Favorite" marking has no more use as a bookmarking tool, and solely conveys the "I like this question" or "I will find this useful in the future" meaning, why not add a popup saying "If you like this answer, perhaps you should consider upvoting it."
Note that these two changes are not mutually exclusive. People will frequently bookmark things they like, so the popup could be useful even if the name is changed.