I got a few downvoted questions, and would love to know why. I think it would be really good if it were possible for downvoters to write even a few words as to why they did so.
This is not because I think they're necessarily wrong, but because I legitimately don't know what's wrong with my question. I HAVE had one closed recently, with a reason, and that is understandable. I think for posts that end up in the negative, it would be helpful for users to have some kind of inkling as to how to improve, both in the way they ask questions but also a nudge as to what questions may just not be appropriate.
As it stands, from someone who doesn't post much, it feels a bit hit-and-miss with the questions, I guess as I'm not exposed to too many flame wars or the likes that cause other users to guard their responses. It's a feels bad situation with a post in the negative with not even a single comment, that just makes it feel like SO is not the place to ask questions. Probably not an issue if you've asked tons and know the scope boundaries.