Maybe using a different font or a small site-icon.
Hijack edit: ~~~~ jco - Based on this discussion: Hodofhod Asks About Intra-network Related Questions
Example. In the below answer from Justin is a link to a Super User post. The current "linked questions" box doesn't show the SU link, but it could. In addition, that site should have a linked question to this question across the intra-site network. This opens a few new possibilities.
One example is when Database Administrators links back to questions on Stack Overflow, with enough time we can start to see where the actually hottest "resource" questions are, not just from within SO proper, but from across the network. This adds some new insights on how the links are farmed across the network, and within the site itself.
Obviously this requires some specific data processing, such as "this thread has a link to another SE site" but those can be updated per-post-update, in the already present process queue. Chat has already shown that there's some API for grabbing the related site information, so that could be put to use here for fetching the right slug and favicon, and the process that requests can insert a slug-like link into an arbitrary non-site-specific DB that could be used for cross-network lookups on post update (aka: update on SO Q causes it to briefly check that table for the SO Q #, if found, spawn off updates for each record in that table to the other sites).
These are all just ideas on how to accomplish it, given what is known about the SE architecture.
Here's the benefits, as best I can figure them now:
- promotion of related sites in a totally organic fashion
- determining how-referenced a question really is (think English Language and Usage vs English Language Learning or GameDev vs Arqade or SO vs Programmers)
- determining if one person is engaging in spammy behavior by constantly linking to their own questions (this can be a useful mod-tool at times, I expect)
- determining what meta questions get linked to from non-meta sites frequently (potential about-page changes or the like)
- potential traffic spike or other behavioral analysis in a longer term (possible example: most linked topics come within the first 24 hours or after more than 1 month?)
Note I would like to stress that this request is not about extra-network links, this is strictly for in-SE-network links, which we already have some auto-title-slug-recognition-generation for in posts and this would only extend the existing process a little bit.
Scouring other sites for useful information and including in the sidebar / analytics is beyond the scope of this request.