What James said. The answers to my original question made it clear that there was definitely interest, but also there was definitely some impedance mismatch between GotW and SO.
One mismatch was that most GotWs consist of multiple questions that lead into each other, which is an effective tutorial method, and some felt strongly that I would need to split GotW issues into single questions. That's a problem, because that would destroy the tutorial flow that is structured to help guide the reader's thinking. Also, splitting the issues and linking them would be extra makework for me, which isn't compelling given the negative benefit.
Another mismatch is selecting answers. I do post my own answer to each issue, and naturally that one would be "the" answer, but I'm told that SO discourages self-answering. I don't want to pick a user answer, even as the 'best user answer,' for several reasons: a) SO encourages early partial answers, not full deep ones, which would likely make picking a 'best answer' from users problematic; and b) I had to stop doing just that with GotW in the past because some people misunderstood my to mean that I was asking the questions and taking other people's answers and then later publishing them as my own, and even though that clearly wasn't the case and the confusion was quickly cleared up, I found it easiest to just not pick a 'winner' and so avoid the potential problem.
Clearly GotW would need to fit SO, not the other way around. My question is, can it without destroying its core structure? I'd be inclined to put the new/revised GotWs on SO if the format can be basically as it is -- whole GotW issues, and self-answers. But to split the questions would destroy the flow, and to not self-answer would create other problems.
I'm not sure if the impedance mismatch is bridgeable, but would be interested in ideas. If people think it might be okay this way, I could try one or two (with a link to this discussion) and see how they work out.
Edited to add: I just read Joel's latest. That makes me wonder if the right answer to deal with the impedance mismatch may not be to do a gotw.stackoverflow.com or gotw.stackexchange.com? That way there's a separate forum for a distinct format. Thoughts?
Edited to add: One other concern is the SO license. My XC++ books are made up of updated/expanded/organized versions of the GotW articles and other columns, and my publisher is okay with the fact that I already make all my original GotW articles available for free anyway, but I do retain copyright and they're only legally available at my original site so it's controlled and I can provide links to the actual book which provides value for readers who want to know about the updated versions and value for the publisher to let people know about the book. It's awkward that the SO license allows arbitrary republishing, which requires giving up control of the free versions and so seems to be in tension with publishing serious material in two ways: 1. It may create a problem for the publisher to provide updated versions of the material in book form if there are similar free versions floating about uncontrolled in the wild that won't even link to the book when it's available. 2. It would seem to legalize linkbait sites ripping off the material to generate ad revenue and flooding the Internet with copies (see Ryan McCarthy and Marco Arment).