Linked Questions

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Need to tag the relevant question so I can visit back and answer

I need a feature when I can tag questions just for my revisiting sake. Case: I am looking for getResources().getIdentifier() related problem. I see some related questions but not right answers. ...
NiTiN's user avatar
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Save favorites tags to get questions notifications [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What do “favorite tags” and “ignored tags” do? I think that it would be interesting if on Stack Overflow there was an option to save some tags as favorites. When someone posts ...
Aitul's user avatar
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Get notified on answer on another persons question [duplicate]

First: I searched, I really did. I wonder if there is a way to mark another persons question followed so when answer appears I am notified within Stackoverflow inbox. I have not been notivifed on ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
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Marking questions for late review on different device

I am looking at a question on my tablet. I have the solution on my computer. How do I tag or mark this question so that when I login on my computer I can directly go to this question and answer it?
IcyFlame's user avatar
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How to receive updates on favourited questions?

Is there a way in which one can receive updates on favourited questions? I'm not sure if such a feature is available. When another user asks a good question, it would be nice to keep track of the ...
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
-2 votes
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Suggest to provide us with container-like feature to categorize our questions

I hope my suggestion has not been suggested by others before. I think we need a feature that behaves like a container or folder to allow us to categorize questions we post. It is very helpfull when ...
Display Name's user avatar
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Add a page explaining the favorites feature to the Help Center

Currently, the Help Center does not have any documentation regarding the Favorites feature. Considering that this is one of the most visible and a fairly useful feature of the platform, favorites ...
asheeshr's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Last visited page place holder?

How can I return to my last browsed page upon returning to your site? Is there a remember my place button I'm missing?
user3035019's user avatar
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how to see updates on questions I commented on [duplicate]

in Stackoverflow, I happen to just post a comment on someones question; yet whenever that question is updated or receives answers or comments, I don't get any warning whatsoever. How do I activate ...
Chris Maes's user avatar
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Flag an interesting question [duplicate]

Does anyone else want a way to flag an interesting question? I'm thinking of a case where a new question comes up on the front page of a site, I can't answer it, BUT I would be interested in the ...
Martin Beckett's user avatar

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